Qgames.org » Online games » Fight games » Duelling games » Anime Legends 2.5

Anime Legends 2.5

Seiya and Shiryu are playable characters in the new version of the game Anime Legends. Play as many fighters and try to win all the battles. Do your best to become a real hero. Have a lot of fun!

Player 1: Use A and D to move, J to attack, K to jump, L to dodge, U and I for the special attacks. Player 2: Use the arrows to move, Down to defend, 1 to attack, 2 to jump, 3 to dodge, 4 and 5 for the special attacks. Press Esc to go to the menu. Combos list: WJ, SJ, WU, SU, WI, SI.

Categories: Fight / Duelling


Anime Legends 2.5

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